An 80th birthday. A family reunion. A trip to Hawaii. All fantastic reasons to celebrate. Traffic was brutal that evening due to a combination of car accidents, road construction, and a big north swell. I sat at Ke iki Beach contentedly watching the waves dance along the coast while poor Kim gave me increasingly frantic updates on their progress to the north shore. Traffic was crawling but they make it with plenty of time to spare.
Giant balloons followed them as they poured our of their cramped rental cars to shake off the long drive. They were more than ready for some fresh air, exploration, and beach time. They live far apart and don’t get the chance to see other often so they made the most of their time together. Everyone (grandparents included) loved making fun of each other and laughter flowed easily. The adult kids were not excited about the photo session beforehand. Maybe dreading it a little bit. As I said goodbye, they told me they couldn’t believe how much fun they had. Good company and a beautiful background make it hard to be miserable. Of course some beach beers and celebratory champagne help too ;)

Planning a family reunion in Hawaii?
Let’s make it fun so you can take home great memories. Find out more about my family photography sessions here.