hawaii family photography

Nuuanu Valley Park | Fun in the Jungle |Hawaii Lifestyle Photographer

March 10, 2016


  1. Gina says:

    I’d frame this whole collection. Just lovely in every way!

  2. Tricia Bovey says:

    What a magical park and what a gorgeous set!! I agree, this WHOLE set needs to be framed and shared in your home!

  3. Liza says:

    What a gorgeous series this month, love them all!

  4. Mandalyn Renicker says:

    It’s been months since we’ve seen that much green here in Chicago, so these images are a welcome sight! I love to second to last one – that sun flare makes the moment magical!

    • Heather says:

      Thanks Mandalyn! I love your photos in the … greenhouse? I’m not sure what it’s called, but it’s nice you have a bit of green all year long :)

  5. Lais Livon says:

    Wow, Heather…SO GOOD! The boy playing with leaves is probably my favorite, such a great angle! :)

  6. Laurie schultz says:

    absolutely stunning. Whomever clothes they are wearing you should submit these images too! I love the one of your daughter sitting on the tree stump. Amazing

    • Heather says:

      Thanks Laurie! I don’t normally direct them, but she was really into posing that day for some reason. Every time I turned around she was striking a pose. It was really funny. Normally she just shakes her butt at the camera :)

  7. Lisa Howeler says:

    Beautiful images. So green….I’d love to visit there some day…

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